28.04.20 Newsletter no.5

Preparing ourselves for the ‘new normal’

According to the government, we’re going to have to accept a ‘new normal’ to help us get through the coronavirus crisis. They haven’t said what this means, but with your help we’ll try to make our Lissenden Gardens’ ‘new normal’ as bearable as possible. But how are we doing so far?

Coronavirus cases in Lissenden Gardens

When we decided on 15th March to tackle the coronavirus as a community, the BBC had reported just 15 cases of covid-19 in Camden. At the end of March, when we asked stairway reps how many Lissenden Gardens’ residents had shown symptoms of the virus, they estimated there were 11 cases (including residents in Clevedon, Lissenden and Parliament Hill Mansions). 

Circumstances in Lissenden Gardens are unique, but by the end of last week the estimated Lissenden Gardens’ figure had only risen to 18. In 15 of these cases people’s symptoms could, however, be described as ‘serious’. One person was taken to hospital but is recovering. There have been no fatalities. 

According to the BBC, between 15th March and the end of last week coronavirus cases in Camden had increased more than 35 times to 557.     

It would be good to think that these figures mean we’re doing something right and that by following the guidance, Lissenden residents have been less affected than other parts of the borough. We can’t be sure that is the reason. (And we can’t be sure of the figures as most of the Lissenden cases haven’t been tested.) But we do know it is vital to keep following the advice.

Staircase reps and volunteers are continuing to disinfect bannisters, door-entry panels, outside door handles and, in some cases, letterboxes. Would you like to join in and become one of our heroes? We’ll show you how.

To contact your staircase rep or to volunteer, go to our Staircase Rep page for contact info.

There’ll be music wherever you are on Thursday at 8pm - go to our Tribute Thursdays page for info and songs

 Would you like to be in our Lissenden ‘Lean On Me’ video? 

You can dance, you can sing, you can do art.

Film yourself or, if you’re a child, get your mum or dad to film you during the Thursday 8pm sing-along of ‘Lean On Me’.

 If you don’t want to dance or sing, why not paint or draw or colour in some posters. If you don’t want to draw your own, you can get colouring-in posters from Natasha at: natashanuttall@me.com      

Please get your mum or dad to send a video of you dancing or singing, or an image of you with your art, to pmitchell26@googlemail.com . Paul, who is a film-maker, will edit the pieces together to make a film everybody can enjoy.

For a guide on how to make a good video, visit our Tribute Thursdays page.

Show your appreciation for NHS staff and other frontline carers

Beautiful banners in support of frontline staff have been hung on balconies during the clap for carers events on Thursday evenings. Would you like to make a banner but need materials and ideas? A small team of enthusiasts is ready to advise you or your children on how to make something special for your balcony. If you are interested, text Andrea Dawson. Tel: 07540 644774.

Grow Lissenden - beating the lockdown blues on your balcony

If you have a balcony it can be a great place to get fresh air and sunshine, and safely keep in touch with your neighbours, says Pamela Edwards. So why not add to these pleasures with a spot of balcony gardening, Pamela asks. 

Flowers make balconies nicer to spend time on and working with Nature (even in a window box) is a great way to boost our wellbeing.

What would you like to grow? 

Flowers for colour and scent? Wildflowers – to help the butterflies and bees? Tasty salads and juicy tomatoes? You can order seeds, plants and compost online, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Recycled tins and wooden or plastic boxes make fine growing containers if you make drainage holes, and cardboard egg boxes are ideal seedling starter trays. Swapping seeds, plants and pots with neighbours keeps costs down.  

For happy balcony growing, just remember the three golden rules: keep containers lightweight, don’t risk dropping tools or pots over the edge on your neighbours, and don’t soak neighbours with your watering.

Here are some links to help you get started:

BBC Gardeners World:  Everything you need to start a balcony garden

Vertical Veg:  Mark Ridshill Smith on seasonal balcony veg growing

Plant Savers: www.plantsavers.co.uk  Home-delivered bargain plants and compost from closed garden centres. Growers get some cash to keep going, the NHS gets £1 from each sale and you get a mystery bundle of plants. 

Or Google: ‘garden centres doing home deliveries in NW5 during Covid 19’ 

Warning: things change fast and delivery times can be extended.

For further information and to share ideas, contact: 
Pamela Edwards, Lissenden Mansions: pje.ecoprojects@gmail.com 

Helen Jack, Chester Court: : helenmjack23@gmail.com  
Maggie Greene, Clevedon Mansions: greenemaggie@hotmail.com

Natasha Nuttall, Parliament Hill Mansions: natashanuttall@me.com

GROW LISSENDEN blog coming to the website soon

Would you prefer to get this newsletter electronically?

We’re going to continue to post this newsletter through people’s door to ensure everyone can keep up to date with what’s going on in Lissenden, but if you’d prefer to get it electronically, email: newsletter.lgta@gmail.com

We’ll have more ideas in the next newsletter, but the most important thing is to continue to FOLLOW GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES ON CORONAVIRUS.

Protect yourself. Protect your family. Protect your community.

 If you have any suggestions for the next newsletter, contact Frank: 07757 706419.