Current proposed massing, view from behind the Lido on Parliament Hill.

Current proposed massing, viewed from within Lissenden Gardens estate.

Murphy’s Yard development UPDATE - the application was withdrawn on Wednesday 18th May 2022 by Murphy’s and Folgate Estates after consultee objections to what was proposed. Folgate Estates “feels the best way to address concerns raised is to withdraw our planning application. This will allow us to undertake further consultation and make revision to our plans.”

A plan to develop a large mixed-use building scheme in the Murphy’s Yard area has been submitted to Camden Council planning offices for ‘outline approval’. This is a request for approval of the basic plan for the overall site - setting targets for the type of uses of the site, the number of residential properties, the height and density of the buildings, and their placement across the designated area. The owners of the site are Folgate Estates, the development arm of Murphy’s building contractors.

Many communities surrounding the site, such as Lissenden Gardens, will be directly affected by the proposed redevelopment. All the considerations that have been made by Folgate regarding the community can be read in the planning proposals submitted. However, the document is incredibly lengthy and written in industry-speak, and can be hard to decipher for many readers.

The Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum has produced an excellent 4 page summary to help clarify the proposals. It can be found here on their website This includes pros and cons of the current proposals, and is a great starting point for those who would like to submit their views to the council.

The deadline to comment on the Outline Planning proposals for Murphy’s Yard has now closed.


All related planning application documents can be found here on Camden Council’s website:

Camden Council website has a very clear page detailing what types of issues and comments will be considered in your comments. It makes no sense to submit something that won’t be included so is definitely worth checking the list out. Also remember that a positive approach will always reap greater rewards than a negative, so if you can see some potential benefits to a development scheme on the site, even if it isn’t this scheme, it would be good to add them in to what you write. The council advice list is here:

The Folgate Estates summary of the proposals and links to more detail can be found on the Murphy’s Yard Consultation website