Health & Wellbeing

photograph of the lido and the heath, taken from a top floor balcony window in Parliament Hill Mansions

Our health and wellbeing is as important collectively as it is to the individual.

If you have any recommendations to share please email us at so we can build up a catalogue of activities and classes available.

Please note, some of these listings are collated from residents and recommendations, but not tested. We hope you enjoy and benefit from the services, and would like to clarify that any risk taken is your own responsibility.

Photo credit: Natasha Nuttall

Mental Health Support

Child & Adolescent Mental Health support

Young Minds (tips for parents during the pandemic)

NSPCC Learning

Childline: call 0800 1111

NHS Every Mind Matters



Kooth (please note, there is a charge for using this service)

Alternative Therapies


Hayley Matthews is our resident rolfer. If you’re not sure what rolfing is, check out her website:: 


Hayley is a trained dancer and also offers Movement classes once a week. For more information you can email her at:

SunGrind Fitness

SunGrind Fitness

Fitness instructor, personal trainer and Lissenden resident Ben Fiberesima regularly holds outdoor training sessions on the Heath. He is full of enthusiasm for keeping his neighbours fit and healthy, and would love to hear from you if you are interested in improving your general health.

Ben currently runs a group keep fit class on the heath on Monday evenings. Incredibly, Ben offers it free to Lissenden residents. It has proved a great hit and there are plenty of fans on the estate. All abilities welcome.